Annual benefit statements 2013

Annual benefit statements 2013

Benefit statements from the TfL Pension Fund are being sent to members of staff who had at least one year's pensionable service in the Fund by 31 March 2013. These statements are sent directly to your home address and were dispatched at the beginning of July.

In addition to showing the benefits earned to 31 March 2013, the statement includes:

  • An estimate of benefits projected to ages 60 and 65, based on your current pensionable salary
  • The lump sum payable on death in service and, if you have at least two years' pensionable service, the benefits that might be paid to your eligible dependant and children
  • A statement of your State Pension, where available
  • Details of whether we hold an Expression of Wish form for you

Important - If we do not hold an Expression of Wish form for you or the one we do hold is out of date, please complete the form enclosed with your benefit statement and return it to us.

Member Survey - we would appreciate your feedback on this years' statement, so please take a few minutes to complete our online survey.

When you receive your statement, please check your personal details and if you have any questions contact the Fund Office at:

TfL Pension Fund
4th Floor, Wing over Station
55 Broadway
London SW1H 0BD

Email:[email protected]


Your surname begins with ContactTelephone
A or DDean Prest020 7918 4895
B or ESarah Halsey020 7918 4697
C or FAsmita Punater020 7918 4784
G, J or LLee Dowden020 7918 4720
H or KHitesh Vakharia020 7918 4864
I, M or NMarcus Green020 7918 4897
O, S, U, V, X, Y or ZHazel Gray020 7918 3797
P, Q or TKevan Tiley020 7918 4828
R or WAlan Baxter020 7918 3322
31st March 2013