Would my child qualify for an eligible childs pension?
The Fund Rules define Eligible Children as children who are, in the opinion of the Trustees, wholly or in a dependent on the Member for the support and maintenance of their accustomed standard of living when you die.
Evidence of dependency will be required. A child’s pension is payable until their 18th birthday, but can continue to their 23rd birthday if still in full-time education or professional or vocational training. An eligible child can be:
- Your own child
- An adopted child
- A stepchild
- A child for whom, in the opinion of the Trustee, you acted as a parent
For a child who is, in the opinion of the Trustee, mentally or physically disabled at the time you die (or becomes so disabled before the age of 18) and unable to earn an income, the pension can continue for their lifetime.
A child who is born within 12 months of your death, who would have qualified under the above criteria at the date of your death, may also be classed as an eligible child.